You are all invited on Saturday, December 1st, at 5:00pm, to the opening of the photo exhibition and booksigning of Guido Harari‘s Fabrizio De André. Sguardi randagi, with images of Fabrizio taken between 1979 and 1998. It will be a great opportunity to secure the Deluxe edition of the book, signed by Guido, Dori Ghezzi De André, Cristiano De André and Franz Di Cioccio.
Later the same day, at 9:00pm, at Teatro Sociale G. Busca a special evening of photography, music and literature will follow, organized by Inpoetica festival for Fabrizio De André. Sguardi randagi. Join us with Alessandra Morra (all our gratitude to you, Alessandra, for proposing and imagining this one-of-a-kind event), Erika Urban and Quartetto d’archi di Torino.